Red light therapy uses photobiomodulation, which is a low-level laser therapy that delivers red and near-infrared light to areas of your body. In doing this, it helps regenerate (or grow back) cells, restore cell function and trigger blood flow. In turn, this helps to heal and relieve pain.
Infrared Light Therapy Is Perfect for Knees
The science behind infrared light therapy is a “fast-growing technology used to treat a multitude of conditions that require stimulation of healing, relief of pain and inflammation, and restoration of function.”
Those suffering with knee pain know that the restoration of mobility is vital to maintain positive mental wellbeing. Luckily, red light therapy for knees has been proven to be effective time and time again.
The causes of knee pain can be grouped as follows:
Inflammation – knee bursitis, arthritis, infection, & gout
Wear and tear – osteoarthritis
Injury – fractures, dislocations, tears and sprains
If you’re experiencing any of the above, it’s important that you facilitate the healing process using red light therapy.
The Benefits of Red Light Therapy For Knees
LED Light Therapy knee pads use light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to produce light waves in the visible and infrared spectrum that painlessly penetrate the skin and are absorbed by the body. Infrared (IR) light waves have a beneficial effect on nerves. Science has discovered that, “Nerve cells respond particularly well to IR….” and that IR “…can induce neural stimulation effects as well as promoting a wide range of therapeutic benefits in cells or tissues.”This is the perfect solution for those suffering with knee pain.